Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring Pale Ale / IPA Bottling

Sterilizing is probably the most crucial part of the entire bottling process and at this stage you need to make sure you are extremely cautious when sanitizing and keeping this clean. All the time and work it took to prepare, brew and ferment can all go to waste if one little mistake is made. Today my girlfriend and I went through the process of sanitizing and preparing the bottles. First i like to have clear bottles without any labels on them. To do this i soak them in warm water for about 15 minutes. The labels should come off fairly easy but some of the glue but still be on the bottle however that can just be wiped off with a towel. Next we sanitize the bottling bucket and also the strainer and spoons that we will use to remove the whole leaf hops we used for dry hopping. Also we decided to use honey for the bottle conditioning so we measured that out and also boiled it for 1 minute to make sure that the honey was also completely sterile. Lastly we sterilize all the bottles and let them dry inside and out. Once everything is dry strain out all the hops and get the beer into the bottling bucket, add the honey and mix it up thoroughly. We then start bottling by filling up each bottle with 3/4 of an inch left at the top so that the pressure in the bottle doesn't get high enough to where your beer explodes when the top is popped off. I have a few pictures of the process to hopefully give a better picture. Comments welcome, Cheers!

Drying the bottles
Removing the labels
Bottling "mis en place"

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Well I just got out of work and today is day 14 of dry hopping for the Honey Spring Ale / IPA that i brewed over three weeks ago. Bottling will begin tomorrow and I will be posting many pictures and also talking about the bottling procedure in more detail. Check in tomorrow and I quite possible might be starting a craft beer tasting of the week as well. Once a week picking a different brewer and going through a tasting analysis on the beer. Hopefully this can give some people better exposure to some really great beers. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chill Haze

I've had a little trouble with my Irish Red Ale in regards to chill haze and I decided to look up some information on it. Knowing that it had to do with proteins in the beer I wanted to get more information on some tactics to get rid of this effect that is common in home brews. This is a very informational site that gets into the nitty gritty of chill haze. The cause, effects and solutions to this common problem that all home brewers have dealt with.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Irish Red Ale Tasting

The Irish Red Ale is ready to taste and with ever beer you make, its extremely important to taste it as a professional would. Go through each element of the beer to ensure its quality and also to see how accurate you or the brewer is on the style that they intended for. I will be going by the Beer Judge Certification Program guidelines, which are used in every beer competition in the world. Here is a link to check out the style guidelines ( Now on with the tasting notes.

Aroma- Caramel sweetness and toffee
Appearance- Amber, Orange to red hue, off white head with little retention
Flavor- Sweet malty flavor, dry finish, faint hop flavor. Medium malt bitterness
Mouthfeel- Medium body, medium carbonation
Overall- Easy drinking, well balanced beer.